
Building an Email List with Social Media

Building an Email List with Social Media


Email marketing is far from dead – as a matter of fact, one of the key reasons why Amazon.com has succeeded so well is because of its great email marketing strategy. One of the best tools you can use to build an email is social media. Sites like Facebook and Twitter might not seem so professional but when used properly they can be powerful assets to communicate with your consumers. Continue reading

Why is Email Marketing an Effective Strategy?

Why is Email Marketing an Effective Strategy?


Marketing your company is a very crucial part in the trek to success. Marketing online is becoming even more important because more people stay online longer and more frequently as each year passes by. This is why email marketing is always stated to be a necessity in formulating online marketing plans.

Email marketing is always touted as a top-tier priority but many companies fail horribly. Their subscribers give out negative comments, mark their emails as spam, or even end up unsubscribing after some time. Continue reading

Techniques to Build an Email List Quickly

Techniques to Build an Email List Quickly


Email marketing is going to be your company’s bread and butter in communicating with loyal customers. These are customers who already trust your company and the products you put out. They are interested in what you sell. You just need to use email marketing to push them into making a purchase.

However, email marketing relies on an email list. After all, you cannot focus on email marketing unless there are people to email in the first place. Building your email list is crucial because it keeps leads interested and is a portal to conversions.

Consider some of the following techniques to build your email list pretty quickly: Continue reading

3 Simple Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing

3 Simple Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing


With the advent of social media many companies are forgetting the power of traditional email marketing. Building business relations or trying to promote a new product to loyalty members? Use email marketing because it is more intimate and direct compared to Facebook and Twitter.

However, because many companies have forgotten email marketing there has been a drop off in quality lately. Many companies forget the basic do’s and don’ts of email marketing. Here is a quick look of these basics and perhaps your company may take advantage of them as well: Continue reading

Linking Email Marketing with Export Marketing

Linking Email Marketing with Export Marketing


Export marketing can be a tricky railroad if you don’t know how to cross the borders and communicate with your overseas customers. Building a strong relationship with your potential leads is a very important step in gaining conversions in the US but it becomes several times more crucial abroad.

This is because the people overseas are not familiar with your company and your products. They already have a domestic market that is thriving and providing everything they need. You need to show them why your company matters and why they should be spending time and money on what you offer. Continue reading

Why is Blogging Needed for Export Marketing?

Why is Blogging Needed for Export Marketing?


Isn’t blogging just something hipsters do when they travel from place to place or dine at different restaurants? Isn’t it just for movie critics and opinionated non-profit organizations? The truth is, blogging plays a vital role in marketing especially if you are in the exporting business.


Blogging Builds a Vast Network

You want to build an internal network between your company’s divisions and you will want an external network with consumers and businesses. Blog posts allow you to instantly connect with the readers and even helps build business relations via guest blogs, links to their website and products, and more. Continue reading

Role of Videos in Export Marketing

Role of Videos in Export Marketing


There is no doubt that social media and email marketing are powerful export marketing tools to generate a higher ROI and conversion rates. However, what a lot of people forget is videos can be just as powerful too. After all, over 1 billion people use Youtube every month. Every day there are over 4 billion Youtube video views.

This piles up as mobile devices are becoming more and more equipped with faster internet connection and better screen resolutions. However, when it comes to export marketing, videos can do so much more. Continue reading

Taking Advantage of Amazon for Export Marketing Purposes

Taking Advantage of Amazon for Export Marketing Purposes


Amazon is one of the most renowned retail giants in the online world. eBay is visited by more than 60 million people in the US and millions more abroad and the same can be said for Alibaba but Amazon is like the universally accepted online “mall” for different nations around the world.

Many corporations that focus on export marketing will need to begin their platform using Amazon. This is because Amazon has a unique system that instantly elevates a company’s reputation simply by selling on the website.

Want to take advantage of this retail giant’s tools for your own export business? Consider some of the following techniques: Continue reading

Email Marketing or Social Media for Export Marketing

Email Marketing or Social Media For Export Marketing


Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and many other social media sites are quickly taking over the internet. There are over 1 billion active Facebook users every month and Twitter carries around 255 million. It’s no surprise that a lot of people are focusing their attention on social media marketing.


Looking at the Numbers

However, a study by Radicati pointed out that in 2013 there were well over 3.9 billion active email accounts in the world. By 2017 that will jump to 4.9 billion. That means the total number of emails being opened and used are three times the number of Facebook and Twitter users combined! Continue reading

Beginner’s Tools to Online Export Marketing

Beginner’s Tools to Online Export Marketing


Introducing your product and company to a foreign market is a little daunting at first. This is why the internet has become a miracle for many small firms that would never get the chance to do so without the assistance of online export marketing tools.

There are many ways to get the ball rolling. You may want to start by using social media to get the brand out a little. Word of mouth does get the avalanche rolling pretty quickly. However, the B2B platform is really where you want to focus because partnering with a company from the target country is a great to build local relations. Attending a trade fair is another way to physically connect with the market. Continue reading