Countries & Regions | Country Name | Country Code | IDD Code |
Afghanistan | 阿富汗 | AF | 93 |
Albania | 阿爾巴尼亞 | AL | 355 |
Algeria | 阿爾及利亞 | DZ | 213 |
Andorra | 安道爾共和國 | AD | 376 |
Angola | 安哥拉 | AO | 244 |
Anguilla | 安圭拉島 | AI | 1264 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 安堤瓜及巴爾布達 | AG | 1268 |
Argentina | 阿根廷 | AR | 54 |
Armenia | 亞美尼亞 | AM | 374 |
Ascension | 阿森松 | 247 | |
Australia | 澳大利亞 | AU | 61 |
Austria | 奧地利 | AT | 43 |
Azerbaijan | 阿塞拜疆 | AZ | 994 |
Bahamas | 巴哈馬 | BS | 1242 |
Bahrain | 巴林 | BH | 973 |
Bangladesh | 孟加拉 | BD | 880 |
Barbados | 巴巴多斯 | BB | 1246 |
Belarus | 白俄羅斯 | BY | 375 |
Belgium | 比利時 | BE | 32 |
Belize | 伯利茲 | BZ | 501 |
Benin | 貝寧 | BJ | 229 |
Bermuda Island | 百慕大群島 | BM | 1441 |
Bolivia | 玻利維亞 | BO | 591 |
Botswana | 博茨瓦納 | BW | 267 |
Brazil | 巴西 | BR | 55 |
Brunei | 汶萊 | BN | 673 |
Bulgaria | 保加利亞 | BG | 359 |
Burkina Faso | 伯基納法索 | BF | 226 |
Burma | 緬甸 | MM | 95 |
Burundi | 布隆迪 | BI | 257 |
Cameroon | 喀麥隆 | CM | 237 |
Canada | 加拿大 | CA | 1 |
Cayman Island | 開曼群島 | 1345 | |
Central African Republic | 中非共和國 | CF | 236 |
Chad | 乍得 | TD | 235 |
Chile | 智利 | CL | 56 |
China | 中國 | CN | 86 |
Colombia | 哥倫比亞 | CO | 57 |
Congo | 剛果 | CG | 242 |
Cook Island | 科克群島 | CK | 682 |
Costa Rica | 哥斯大黎加 | CR | 506 |
Cuba | 古巴 | CU | 53 |
Cyprus | 賽普勒斯 | CY | 357 |
Czech Republic | 捷克 | CZ | 420 |
Denmark | 丹麥 | DK | 45 |
Djibouti | 吉布地 | DJ | 253 |
Dominica Rep. | 多明尼加共和國 | DO | 1890 |
Ecuador | 厄瓜多爾 | EC | 593 |
Egypt | 埃及 | EG | 20 |
EISalvador | 薩爾瓦多 | SV | 503 |
Estonia | 愛沙尼亞 | EE | 372 |
Ethiopia | 埃塞俄比亞 | ET | 251 |
Fiji | 斐濟 | FJ | 679 |
Finland | 芬蘭 | FI | 358 |
France | 法國 | FR | 33 |
French Guiana | 法屬圭亞那 | GF | 594 |
French Polynesia | 法屬玻利尼西亞 | PF | 689 |
Gabon | 加蓬 | GA | 241 |
Gambia | 岡比亞 | GM | 220 |
Georgia | 格魯吉亞 | GE | 995 |
Germany | 德國 | DE | 49 |
Ghana | 加納 | GH | 233 |
Gibraltar | 直布羅陀 | GI | 350 |
Greece | 希臘 | GR | 30 |
Grenada | 格林伍德 | GD | 1809 |
Guam | 關島 | GU | 1671 |
Guatemala | 瓜地馬拉 | GT | 502 |
Guinea | 幾內亞 | GN | 224 |
Guyana | 圭亞那 | GY | 592 |
Haiti | 海地 | HT | 509 |
Honduras | 洪都拉斯 | HN | 504 |
Hong Kong | 香港 | HK | 852 |
Hungary | 匈牙利 | HU | 36 |
Iceland | 冰島 | IS | 354 |
India | 印度 | IN | 91 |
Indonesia | 印尼 | ID | 62 |
Iran | 伊朗 | IR | 98 |
Iraq | 伊拉克 | IQ | 964 |
Ireland | 愛爾蘭 | IE | 353 |
Israel | 以色列 | IL | 972 |
Italy | 義大利 | IT | 39 |
IvoryCoast | 象牙海岸 | 225 | |
Jamaica | 牙買加 | JM | 1876 |
Japan | 日本 | JP | 81 |
Jordan | 約旦 | JO | 962 |
Kampuchea (Cambodia ) | 柬埔寨 | KH | 855 |
Kazakhstan | 哈薩克斯坦 | KZ | 327 |
Kenya | 肯雅 | KE | 254 |
Korea | 韓國 | KR | 82 |
Kuwait | 科威特 | KW | 965 |
Kyrgyzstan | 吉爾吉斯坦 | KG | 331 |
Laos | 老撾 | LA | 856 |
Latvia | 拉脫維亞 | LV | 371 |
Lebanon | 黎巴嫩 | LB | 961 |
Lesotho | 萊索托 | LS | 266 |
Liberia | 利比理亞 | LR | 231 |
Libya | 利比亞 | LY | 218 |
Liechtenstein | 列支敦士登 | LI | 423 |
Lithuania | 立陶宛 | LT | 370 |
Luxembourg | 盧森堡 | LU | 352 |
Macao | 澳門 | MO | 853 |
Madagascar | 馬達加斯加 | MG | 261 |
Malawi | 馬拉維 | MW | 265 |
Malaysia | 馬來西亞 | MY | 60 |
Maldives | 馬爾代夫 | MV | 960 |
Mali | 馬里 | ML | 223 |
Malta | 馬爾他 | MT | 356 |
Mariana Island | 馬里亞那群島 | 1670 | |
Martinique | 馬提尼克 | 596 | |
Mauritius | 毛里求斯 | MU | 230 |
Mexico | 墨西哥 | MX | 52 |
Moldova, Republic of | 莫爾達瓦 | MD | 373 |
Monaco | 摩納哥 | MC | 377 |
Mongolia | 蒙古 | MN | 976 |
Montserrat Island | 蒙特塞拉特島 | MS | 1664 |
Morocco | 摩洛哥 | MA | 212 |
Mozambique | 莫三比克 | MZ | 258 |
Namibia | 納米比亞 | NA | 264 |
Nauru | 瑙魯 | NR | 674 |
Nepal | 尼泊爾 | NP | 977 |
Netherlands Antilles | 荷屬安的列斯 | 599 | |
Netherlands | 荷蘭 | NL | 31 |
NewZealand | 新西蘭 | NZ | 64 |
Nicaragua | 尼加拉瓜 | NI | 505 |
Niger | 尼日爾 | NE | 227 |
Nigeria | 尼日利亞 | NG | 234 |
North Korea | 朝鮮 | KP | 850 |
Norway | 挪威 | NO | 47 |
Oman | 阿曼 | OM | 968 |
Pakistan | 巴基斯坦 | PK | 92 |
Panama | 巴拿馬 | PA | 507 |
Papua New Guinea | 巴布亞新磯內亞 | PG | 675 |
Paraguay | 巴拉圭 | PY | 595 |
Peru | 秘魯 | PE | 51 |
Philippines | 菲律賓 | PH | 63 |
Poland | 波蘭 | PL | 48 |
Portugal | 葡萄牙 | PT | 351 |
Puerto Rico | 波多黎各 | PR | 1787 |
Qatar | 卡塔爾 | QA | 974 |
Reunion | 留尼旺 | 262 | |
Romania | 羅馬尼亞 | RO | 40 |
Russia | 俄羅斯 | RU | 7 |
Samoa Eastern | 東薩摩亞(美) | 684 | |
Samoa Western | 西薩摩亞 | 685 | |
San Marino | 聖馬利諾 | SM | 378 |
Sao Tome and Principe | 聖多美及普林西比島 | ST | 239 |
Saudi Arabia | 沙烏地阿拉伯 | SA | 966 |
Senegal | 塞內加爾 | SN | 221 |
Seychelles | 塞舌耳 | SC | 248 |
Sierra Leone | 塞拉里昂 | SL | 232 |
Singapore | 新加坡 | SG | 65 |
Slovakia | 斯洛伐克 | SK | 421 |
Slovenia | 斯洛文尼亞 | SI | 386 |
Solomon Island | 所羅門群島 | SB | 677 |
Somali | 索馬里 | SO | 252 |
South Africa | 南非 | ZA | 27 |
Spain | 西班牙 | ES | 34 |
Sri Lanka | 斯里蘭卡 | LK | 94 |
St. Lucia | 聖盧西亞 | LC | 1758 |
St. Vincent | 聖文森特 | VC | 1784 |
Sudan | 蘇丹 | SD | 249 |
Suriname | 蘇里南 | SR | 597 |
Swaziland | 斯威士蘭 | SZ | 268 |
Sweden | 瑞典 | SE | 46 |
Switzerland | 瑞士 | CH | 41 |
Syria | 敘利亞 | SY | 963 |
Taiwan | 臺灣省 | TW | 886 |
Tajikistan | 塔吉克斯坦 | TJ | 992 |
Tanzania | 坦桑尼亞 | TZ | 255 |
Thailand | 泰國 | TH | 66 |
Togo | 多哥 | TG | 228 |
Tonga | 湯加 | TO | 676 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 特立尼達和多巴哥 | TT | 1809 |
Tunisia | 突尼斯 | TN | 216 |
Turkey | 土耳其 | TR | 90 |
Turkmenistan | 土庫曼斯坦 | TM | 993 |
Uganda | 烏干達 | UG | 256 |
Ukraine | 烏克蘭 | UA | 380 |
United Arab Emirates | 阿拉伯聯合酋長國 | AE | 971 |
United Kingdom of Britain | 英國 | GB | 44 |
United States of America | 美國 | US | 1 |
Uruguay | 烏拉圭 | UY | 598 |
Uzbekistan | 烏茲別克斯坦 | UZ | 233 |
Venezuela | 委內瑞拉 | VE | 58 |
Vietnam | 越南 | VN | 84 |
Yemen | 葉門 | YE | 967 |
Yugoslavia | 南斯拉夫 | YU | 381 |
Zaire | 薩伊 | ZR | 243 |
Zambia | 尚比亞 | ZM | 260 |
Zimbabwe | 辛巴威 | ZW | 263 |
1st tier cities
1st tier cities are municipalities directly administered by the central government (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai Chongqing) that are designated as the major economic and commercial centres of China. But in terms of the actual state of development, only Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are recognized as the first tier cities.
2nd and 3rd tier cities
s are regional economic centres/cities other than Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Administratively, regional economic centres are basically provincial capital cities or subprovincial cities which have independent economic status within a province. 3rd tier cities are larger cities which are economically more developed but are not the provincial capital or subprovincial cities.
Production line in a PRD factory
Acronym in full: The Pearl River Delta
The Pearl River Delta (PRD) is one of China’s leading economic regions and a major manufacturing center located at the south. The PRD economic zone is formed by 9 cities, namely Guangzhou (the provincial capital), Shenzhen, Foshan, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, Zhongshan, Dongguan, four districts and counties of Huizhou and four districts and counties of Zhaoqing. Continue reading
The acronym for an association of five major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
Acronym in full: The Group of Eight
The Group of Eight (G8) is a forum for the governments of eight of the world’s largest national economies, United States, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Canada and Russia. With the G20 major economies growing in stature, world leaders from the group announced in 2009 that the group will replace the G8 as the main economic council of wealthy nations. Continue reading
Acceptance Draft
payable at a fixed or determinable future date, upon the face of which the drawee has acknowledged in writing his/her obligation to pay at maturity.
Account Party
The party instructing the bank to open a letter of credit and on whose behalf the bank agrees to make payment. In most cases, the account party is the importer/buyer, and is also known as the applicant. Continue reading
Abusive Draw
Drawing on a standby letter of credit when no violation of the underlying contract has occurred.
Acceptance constitutes an unconditional obligation on the part of the accepting party to pay the draft at maturity. A draft accepted by a bank is called a “banker’s acceptance” whereas one accepted by a company is called a “trade acceptance.”
Account Party
Party for whom a letter of credit is opened. “Account party” and “applicant” are the same, but sometimes one party will agree with the issuing bank to make all payments under a letter of credit showing the name of another party (as in the case of affiliated companies). Banks may refer to one of these parties as the applicant and the other as the account party. Continue reading
Type of Container |
Internal Dimension (mm) |
Door Opening (mm) |
Capacity (cu.m.) |
Max Pay Load (Kgs) |
Container Tare (Kgs) |
Max Gross Weight (Kgs) |
20 foot Dry Container |
L: 5,900 W: 2,345 H: 2,380 |
W: 2,345 H: 2,380 |
32.8 | 21,750 | 2,250 | 24,000 |
20 foot Heavy Tested Dry Container |
L: 5,900 W: 2,345 H: 2,380 |
W: 2,345 H: 2,380 |
32.8 | 28,000 | 2,400 | 30,400 |
40 foot Dry Container |
L: 12,000 W: 2,348 H: 2,380 |
W: 2,338 H: 2,277 |
67.1 | 26,660 | 3,680 | 30,480 |
40 foot High Cube Steel Dry Container |
L: 12,000 W: 2,348 H: 2,690 |
W: 2,338 H: 2,577 |
75.8 | 26,280 | 4,000 | 30,280 |
20 foot Open Top Container |
L: 5,900 W: 2,346 H: 2,330 |
W: 2,338 H: 2,277 |
32.0 | 18,120 | 2,200 | 20,320 |
40 foot Open Top Container |
L: 12,037 W: 2,345 H: 2,330 |
W: 2,338 H: 2,277 |
65.5 | 26,380 | 4,100 | 30,480 |
20 foot Steel Reefer Container (integral type) |
L: 5,504 W: 2,290 H: 2,263 |
W: 2,290 H: 2,239 |
28.5 | 27,440 | 3,040 | 30,480 |
40 foot High Cube Steel Reefer Container |
L: 11,573 W: 2,290 H: 2,544 |
W: 2,290 H: 2,509 |
67.4 | 26,080 | 4,400 | 30,480 |