Leadxpress Export Resources

7 Deadly Sins in Trade Fair Participation for Export Marketing

7 Deadly Sins in Trade Fair Participation for Export Marketing


When you commit a sin, basically you are consigning yourself to Hell. In the export business, committing sins means dooming all your expansion efforts and making you lose a lot of money in the bargain. It’s close enough to hell for a business owner.


So if you are contemplating going into exporting and you’re using trade fairs for your export marketing, here are the deadly sins you need to avoid:


Sin #1. You chose the wrong event because you didn’t do your research.
One of the main reasons you go to trade fairs is that these are the events your potential customers and clients go to. Or rather, that what you hope. But you should do your research and so that know this for a fact instead. Continue reading

4 Important Hurdles to Overcome in Trade Shows for Export Marketing

4 Important Hurdles to Overcome in Trade Shows for Export Marketing


Trade shows have long been an effective way to market your products and services. There have been trade shows since medieval times, and even in today’s business environment there is still a place for trade shows where the marketing is face-to-face. Do it right, and you can boost your company’s profile significantly. For export marketing, participating in trade shows can gain you the info you need to gain a foothold in the market you’re entering.


Of course, you have to do it right. To do that, you need to be aware of these hurdles which you need to overcome. Continue reading

5 Benefits of Trade Fairs for Your Export Marketing Strategy

5 Benefits of Trade Fairs for Your Export Marketing Strategy


A lot of marketing experts these days focus on online methods for their marketing. In a lot of ways, they’re right to do so. Using online marketing is very cost-effective, as you don’t have to spend too much to get results. The Internet, after all, was designed to facilitate communication even across large distances, so why not use it for that very purpose?


But it’s a mistake to limit your export marketing to just virtual means. There is still a place for real-world marketing, and trade fairs are an excellent example. Here are some of the benefits and opportunities which trade shows get you: Continue reading