Leadxpress Export Resources

5 Special Rules for Export Marketing Using Email Promotion

5 Special Rules for Export Marketing Using Email Promotion


Many marketers are already familiar with the basic rules of effective email marketing. For example, you need to have a compelling subject line so that the recipient is tempted to open the email, you need to make your point quickly, and of course there has to be a call to action.


But there are other concerns especially when it comes to export marketing. You are basically writing to someone who lives in another country, and there is an undercurrent of suspicion and distrust which you must first overcome. Here are some of the rules you need to keep in mind so that you come up with an effective email message: Continue reading

5 Questions You Need to Answer with Export Marketing

5 Questions You Need to Answer with Export Marketing


For most people not in business, marketing and advertising is basically the same thing. The supposed purpose of all that activity is to make your product and your company more well-known and more trusted by your target customers. Ultimately, you want to sell more of your products, so that you make more money.


And marketing is one way to do that. Most people are aware that advertisements provide a very effective means of answering questions from potential customers. But marketing is not just about promotions. It’s also about research, and finding out crucial data that can form the basis for your decision. Continue reading

4 Common Channels of Export Marketing

4 Common Channels of Export Marketing

Most small business owners are concerned mainly about local marketing, and rightfully so. After all, they probably own a shop or deliver products and services in the real world, and that mean their customers live right in the neighborhood. To succeed, their marketing must convince their potential customers that their company should be the first and only choice for anything that the company offers.

But many businesses need to grow, and often that means even a customer base limited to an entire nation may not be enough. Expansion may have to mean luring customers from overseas, and that means you need to have an effective export marketing strategy to acquire these new customers. Continue reading