Leadxpress Export Resources

Identify Potential Barriers in a Foreign Market with Export Marketing

Identify Potential Barriers in a Foreign Market with Export Marketing

Market research is crucial endeavor if you ever get it into your head to expand your business in a foreign market. If you are an American, you’re in for a rude surprise if you ever think that every buyer and customer in the world acts like Americans. Let me tell you, they don’t.


You can use export marketing techniques such as email and online surveys, selling through established ecommerce portals, and participating in trade shows to find out what these potential problems are. By knowing ahead what these are, you can then formulate likely solutions before you ever start risking your money in your overseas expansion. Continue reading

What Do You Know about Your Importer for export marketing success?

What Do You Know about Your Importer for export marketing success?

If you’re in the exporting business, one of the reasons why export marketing is so important is that it can be used to find out crucial information about the importers and buyers in your target country. You can’t just go in blind. You’re just wasting your time and effort if you just approach all the suppliers with a standard approach that you use in your own country.


So here are some ways you can use export marketing strategies to help you gather this crucial data:

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How to use Internet for Export Marketing?

How to use Internet for Export Marketing?


Venturing in export marketing is just the natural development of a successful local businessman. It is very obvious that you will not be thinking of spreading your wings abroad if you are not first successful in peddling your wares in your local market.


Export Marketing is A Different Ball Game

Although basic marketing principles are still serviceable in selling a product to other countries, there are certain techniques that you need to learn if you want to be successful abroad as you are now successful in your local area. Continue reading