Leadxpress Export Resources

Harnessing the Power of the Internet for Your Export Marketing

Harnessing the Power of the Internet for Your Export Marketing


Based on a report recently published by UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) and WTO (World Trade Organization), global merchandise exports grew by 2.1 % in 2013. Even with the oil crunch and other global economic problems being experienced by many countries around the world, international exports of products and services continue to grow.


Thanks to the Internet.


The rise in global exports has been spurred by new technologies such as the internet and innovative marketing methods such as b2b trade platforms, SEO, PPC ads, email marketing direct access to the global importers and buyers, etc. Forrester Research, a leading economic think tank reported that 82 percent of all exporters use the internet in their daily business operation. In fact, majority of exporters believe that the internet will be a major strategy in their export business in the coming years. Only a small 8 percent of the exporters say the internet is not that important. Continue reading

Develop an effective Landing Page for Export Promotion

Author : Leadxpress.com


In my last article “How to send email in the legal way for export promotion?”, I mentioned some guidelines to avoid sending unsolicited commercial email. Today, I will discuss another important factor to the success of email promotion.


Generally, there is less chance to close a sale by one email message. It requires more information to persuade the protential clients. Hence, the objective of the email sales letter is to entice the protential buyers to click through to a landing page where more detailed sell information is presented. The page will usually display content that is a logical extension of the email advertisement. Continue reading

How to send email in the legal way for export promotion?

Author : Leadxpress.com


As my last article “Make Your Email Sales Letter Welcome mentioned, one of the reasons of ineffective email promotion is sending unsolicited emails. I will discuss how to send email in the legal way for export promotion.


Email is one of the most cost-effective direct marketing tools to promote products and develop valuable relationships with existing customers. However, the email marketing environment is changing. There are CAN-Spam Act against spam in the United States in 2004 and other laws are being set up around the world. These anti-spam laws covers all emails for commercial advertisement or promotion of a product or service but excludes emails related to transactional relationships such as follow-ups to client requests, and billing statements, etc. Continue reading