Leadxpress Export Resources

How to Make Your Email Sales Letter Welcome?

Author : Leadxpress.com


How to Make Your Email Sales Letter Welcome?


As my last article “Top 16 Tips to Effective Export Promotion to global importers mentioned, email marketing is the most cost-effective strategy if it is properly done. But someone may not agree even they write an effective email sales letter in export promotion. Why?


One of the reasons is that they send unsolicited emails as if a spammer does. Of course, sending unsolicited email (junk mail or spam) is considered to be unethical and illegal. If you send junk emails, your recipients may set mail filters to block all your emails in future and you also run the risk of your internet service provider shutting down your email account or even removing your website. The worse is your loss of business because no one would like to do business with a spammer. Continue reading

Top 16 Tips to Effective Email Marketing to global importers

Author : Leadxpress.com
Top 16 Tips to Effective Export Promotion to global importers


Manufacturers and exporters accessed global importers and buyers thru various export promotion channels. They may advertise in world trade mazagines, attend international trade shows, buy expensive pay-per-click ad from search engines, or send direct emails to global buyers. Among these export promotion methods, email marketing is the most cost-effective strategy if it is properly done.


It is vital to write an effective email sales letter to the success of email marketing campaign. There are top 16 tips to be noted in sending emails in export promotion:


1. Bypass The Gatekeeper

The correct email address ensures your email letter lands in the right person’s mailbox and decrease the likelihood of your email being trashed before it is read. Leadxpress offers global importers directory with a powerful export marketing tool to facilitate your export promotion to access global importers and buyers. Continue reading

Export Market Profile – Philippines

The Philippines: Market Profile


Major Economic Indicators 2012 2013
Population (million) 95.8 97.5
GDP (US$ billion) 250.4 284.5
Real GDP growth (%) 6.8 7.8*
GDP per capita (US$) 2,614.2 2,918.1
Inflation rate (%) 3.1 3.2*
Unemployment rate (%) 7.0 7.1*
Exports (US$ billion) 52.1 12.1*
Imports (US$ billion) 62.1 14.4*
Export change (%) +8.5 -6.2*
Import change (%) +2.6 -7.4*
Exchange rate (per US$, period average) 42.23 40.70*

*January-March 2013