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SEO Changes – Article Marketing Isn’t Dead, It’s Just Different

SEO Changes – Article Marketing Isn’t Dead, It’s Just Different


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves a lot of different processes. There’s a department where it involves keyword optimization in every page of your website, from meta tags to headers and actual content. There’s social media backlinking through Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Then there’s article writing.


The Old Ways of Article Marketing

They used to say that article writing is one of the key elements to strong SEO. You want to get as many blog posts, article submissions, and more online so that search engines like Google and Bing will see there are a lot of outside sources linking back to your website. Continue reading

The Real Purpose of SEO

The Real Purpose of SEO


When people think about SEO they think it is solely there as a means of driving traffic to a website. They think that SEO is the reason why your website ranks on top of the others in regards to Google search results. Those are the old concepts of SEO and as today’s internet rapidly changes, so does its purpose.


SEO – Generate More Conversion!

There’s no trick here. When experts talk about SEO they really just want to know how much money you’ve earned with your website. After all, isn’t that the end goal of all your SEO efforts? The reason why you keep adding content, why you guest blog, why you use social media: isn’t it to generate sales in your export marketing ? Continue reading

5 Mistakes that Kill Email Marketing Conversions

5 Mistakes that Kill Email Marketing Conversions


Email marketing is supposed to be one of the most important tactics to turn leads into conversions. You want the people already interested in your online business to go back and actually buy something. By sending emails you are constantly pushing their buttons, making them more interested to spend.

However, an email marketing campaign cannot simply be fulfilled by random tactics. You cannot just send the same messages promoting the same things five times a day. You’ll be dropped into their spam box and be forgotten forever.

What are the usual mistakes that kill a promising marketing premise? Consider the following critical mistakes that can kill all hope for email conversions: Continue reading