SEO Changes – Article Marketing Isn’t Dead, It’s Just Different
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves a lot of different processes. There’s a department where it involves keyword optimization in every page of your website, from meta tags to headers and actual content. There’s social media backlinking through Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Then there’s article writing.
The Old Ways of Article Marketing
They used to say that article writing is one of the key elements to strong SEO. You want to get as many blog posts, article submissions, and more online so that search engines like Google and Bing will see there are a lot of outside sources linking back to your website.
Back then it was simple. All you had to do was run a keyword priority list and see which niche you could focus on. If there wasn’t a lot of websites prioritizing on a keyword phrase like “best car deals in Tucson, Arizona” then you could use that in over a dozen or two articles that would be posted all over the net.
Unfortunately, that meant a lot of articles were stuffed with keywords. You’d find articles with titles like “Florida Digital Camera Value Available” and other awkward uses of top-rated keywords. Articles would be filled with 12 different keywords from top to bottom.
The Issue with the Old Techniques
Remember that the ones reading these articles are people so if they see an article littered with keywords they won’t really get a grasp of the content. They’ll just see marketing words. It might work well for Google but it won’t work well for online users.
This is why Google switched things up when it introduced Google Panda and Google Penguin. These two updates altered the Google algorithm. Now it didn’t focus on keywords and empty backlinks. Now Google focused on user behavior.
If a user clicked on site from the organic search list, clicked back after just five seconds, and then never returned to the site and went on to similar websites with potentially better content then Google will take note of this. When more and more people don’t seem to spend time on your pages, it gets alerted.
Soon enough it will identify the keyword tactics and old-school SEO that you’ve applied to your site. You’ll get penalized and get knocked down on the page rankings.
The New Ways of Article Marketing
Google doesn’t want you posting a dozen poorly written articles on HubPage and Ezinearticles just to add more external backlinks. It doesn’t want you to buy backlinks and post meaningless articles all over the web.
Google is now designed to make you write for people, not search engine crawlers. It wants you to write high-quality content on your own blog or website. Keyword-stuffing is a thing of the past and now it all focuses on educating readers and giving them good content.
Leadxpress Global Importer & Buyer Directory Editor