Leadxpress Export Resources

In-Depth Research Guide for Export Marketing Selection

In-Depth Research Guide for Export Marketing Selection


If your company is in the export business then choosing the right export market is crucial. You don’t want to waste valuable resources in an oversea market that won’t guarantee returns due to competition, cultural differences, and currency hurdles. That’s why proper research is a must.

You want to first identify the countries where your products and services will respond the most. Take five potential markets and conduct more intimate research. If you don’t know where to start then consider the following steps for an in-depth study of your market: Continue reading

Four Important Resources for Export Marketing

Four Important Resources for Export Marketing


More than 90% of consumers reside outside of the United States. It can be complicated to judge this by certain products but just look at the success of Hollywood films: Guardians of the Galaxy earned a big chunk in the US, earning $333 million but overseas it garnered over $441 million in sales.

The international marketplace is not only big but it is a marketing necessity, especially for companies looking to expand their horizons. If you’re hoping to start exporting then you might want to consider checking out these export marketing resources: Continue reading

Export Marketing Preparation – Website Translation

Export Marketing Preparation – Website Translation


Think your business is ready to get into international trade and start exporting a different country?


Before you even begin planning you might want to look at your own website and look for one crucial element – is your business site available in any language other than English?

If you’re planning to do business in China then you should be able to communicate with your consumers in Chinese. Hence, you need an English to Chinese website translation. If you’re planning to export products in India then you should have a portal to a Hindi version of your site. Not everyone in the world speaks English and that is an important aspect to remember. Continue reading