Leadxpress Export Resources

Export Market Profile – South Africa

South Africa: Market Profile


Major Economic Indicators 2012 2013
Population (million people) 51.2 51.8
GDP at current prices (US$ million) 384,315 375,994
GDP per capita (US$) 7,507 7,257
Real GDP growth (%) +2.5 +2.8
Unemployment (%) 25.2 25.7
Inflation (%) +5.6 +5.8
Exports of goods (US$ million) 87,510 34,449^
Export growth (%) -10.7 -0.8^
Imports of goods (US$ million) 101,854 42,023^
Import growth (%) +1.5 +4.1^
Average exchange rate (SAR:US$) 8.204 9.071^

^Jan-May 2013



Export Market Profile – ASEAN

ASEAN: Market Profile


Major Economic Indicators 2012 2013
Population (million) 616.3
GDP (US$ billion) 2,312.8
Real GDP growth (%) 5.7 4.9
GDP per capita (US$) 3,751
Inflation (%) 3.9 4.7
Exports (US$ billion) 1,254.0 1,109.5^
Imports (US$ billion) 1,220.6 1,091.9^
Export (% change) (YoY) +2.7 -1.1%^
Import (% change) (YoY) +0.1 -0.6%^

^ Jan-Nov 2013 for six ASEAN countries, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam



Export Market Profile – India

India: Market Profile


Major Economic Indicators 2012 2013
Population (million) 1,227 1,243
GDP (US$ billion) 1,842 1,758
Real GDP growth (%) 4.5 4.7
GDP per capita (US$) 1,501 1,414
Inflation (%) 7.5 6.3
Exchange rate (per US$, period average) 53.44 58.60
Exports (US$ billion) 297 312
Imports (US$ billion) 490 468
Export growth (%) -2.0 +5.1
Import growth (%) +5.6 -4.5